The Honeymoon Life Blog

The Higher Call of a Christian Marriage

Terri & Curtis Krupp
Terri Krupp

The road less traveled is such a romantic sentiment. (see The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost) Going the opposite direction of the crowd is a wonderful goal. While it’s easy to talk about, it can be challenging to live up to.

I have been in women’s ministries where the topic of the day was generally who had the worst husband. Or heard “prayer requests” like “pray for my husband, he just always …” As Christian marriages we are to be salt and light to those around us, not follow the world’s customs.

I challenge you, and myself, the next time we are in fellowship and the conversation is anything but spouse building: take the lead, show the way. Say something like, “I know it’s easy to find fault with the person you are with so often, but aren’t we glad God doesn’t dwell on our shortcomings?” That usually is gentle enough to redirect the conversation, at least while you are around.

Within the church, we need to start the trend: only positive spouse building conversations and a higher expectation of what marriage should look like within the Christian community. As Curtis says, “you're on the same team!”

When we were first married, our small group couples would often tell us, “enjoy it while it lasts, you won’t be holding hands in 5 years.”

When we were holding hands in 5 years they said, “just wait pretty soon you won’t want to be in the same room too long together.”

When we attempted to spend every moment in the same room together after 10 years they said, “just wait the romance dies once you stop looking so young.”

When we stopped looking so young but the romance was alive and well, they stopped giving us advice.

Be the change, take a higher standard to your marriage. It is the plan God has for you and your husband.

Happy Honeymooning!

Mark 10:8 and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one flesh.