The Honeymoon Life Blog

Helmet of Salvation - Having the mind of Christ

armor Helmet on a stand
Photo Credit: Pexels
Terri & Curtis Krupp
Terri Krupp

Helmet of Salvation: we have heard this from Ephesians 6:17 in Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, from the pulpit… but what are the practical applications of the spiritual armor, specifically, the helmet.

It is easy to picture a helmet protecting your head. We see them today on the road, bicyclists and motorcyclists don them. Many sports from middle school up, require head protection. Astronauts and military, police and fire personnel; all of these professions depend on the protection of a helmet. The concept is not foreign, but can we appreciate that the inside our heads need protection?

Science has shown in numerous studies that prolonged negative thinking causes degenerative brain diseases, cardiovascular problems and digestive issues, according to Bree Maloney with Marque Medical. People who are pessimistic also recover much slower from sicknesses. ( How can negative thoughts affect our spiritual well being?

If we are to be Christ like, especially in our marriages there is a higher demand on how we think of our spouse. And subsequently how we treat them. Having Christ grace and love for our spouse means we have servant love for them. We are not angling for our way or trying to win arguments but keeping our minds on “how can I better serve my spouse?” Watching for opportunities to be the better servant.

If we entertain them, it does not take long for negative thoughts to take root about our spouse, then we start to hone in on all of their flaws. When I am busy focusing on how my husband is not the man he should be, I miss the opportunity to celebrate and help him step into the man that he already is: which is a pretty awesome man!

Commit today to turning your negative thoughts away, using the salvation that Jesus gained for you on the Cross and protecting your head. It is the simplest place to win the battle.

Happy Honeymooning!

1 Corinthians 2:16 For who has known the mind of the Lord, that he will instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ.