Reality Love Songs - Part 2: Making our marriages into a "Reality Love Song"

Making our marriages into a “Reality Love Song” or a “Walk on Song” is pretty straight forward. There are a few habits of becoming a musician that will help us.
#1 Tuning your instrument. A good musician practices and tunes their instrument often: a great musician tunes and practices daily. How would we tune our marriages? It starts with embracing and living our identity in Christ. Spend time in prayer and scripture reflecting on the powerful truth that God sent his only son to die in your place because he refused to spend eternity without you!
You are fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14)
You have been grafted into the family of God and have the right of a child of God. (John 1:12) In Christ you are a new creation, the past is wiped clean. (2 Corinthians 5:17)
You are the apple of his eye. (Zechariah 2:8)
Take a cruise through the scriptures. Let the Holy Spirit speak personally to your heart and mind. Ask God to reveal how he sees you through Jesus, then just relish in the beautiful peace and strength that comes from knowing your Father in Heaven adores you!
A marriage is a perfect union of two flawed people. Even within Christian marriage there can be stain of this life’s hurts and failures. Through Christ we are made perfect, but like Jesus we must be perfected through obedience. (Hebrews 5:8)
Once you can honestly embrace how loved and precious you are: reflect that onto your spouse. He is a child of God, she is fearfully and wonderfully made. God sent Jesus to die to spend eternity with my spouse, I can rest assured they are made on purpose with a purpose.
Have a Honeymoon Life is like writing a beautiful piece of music to play load and proud to bless this dull and dark world.
Happy Honeymooning!
Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.