Don't Tell Me that You Love Me Unless...

If you look up cheesy love song lyrics like “I would swim the deepest ocean…” you would get about 7,300 results. “Climb the highest mountain,” yields 12,000 hits! “Get up at 2 a.m. to change the baby?” “no results found.” Hmm, which is more meaningful speaking love?
As our marriage has moved forward through the decades I have watched Hollywood portrayals of romance and happenstance get togethers. While the audience swoons they are a far cry from raising babies and paying mortgages and layoffs, that true love endures.
If we watch Hallmark over the holidays we may be convinced that we have never experienced true love. If the stars did not align over the open prairie as the carolers stroll by us singing and we look deep into each other's eyes, do we have a love story?
The reality is that it is far more desirable to have loved and stayed than to have loved lost and chased each other through an airport to prove our devotion.
Ephesians 5:25 “Husbands, love your wives just as Chrit loved that church and gave himself up for her.”
Jesus lived everyday as a servant leader. He washed feet, fed, healed, taught, laughed, dined and befriended the lost around him. He performed miracles beyond comprehension, but what did he tell his disciples about how to identify as his followers? “If you love one another.”
Today let’s write a love song to our spouse like this, “I will put your needs before mine, consider you before I make plans and listen to how your day was before explaining mine!”
Happy Honeymooning!”
John 13:36 “By this they will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”