The Honeymoon Life Blog

He is Risen, and that is good news

Empty tomb of Jesus
Photo Credit: Pexels
Terri & Curtis Krupp
Terri Krupp

What Jesus did from Thursday to Sunday that first Easter is the standard for us to follow in our marriages: after all; we are the Bride of Christ!

Thursday : Jesus’ last hours were invested in his most entrusted disciples, those who would carry on the message. (Luke 22:14-23) Sometimes it is time to huddle up. We have known people who have gone through horrific events and attempted to keep ministering to others, but you don’t put wounded soldiers on the front line. Respect each season for what activities you will say yes to.

Jesus modeled servant leadership, He washed his followers feet. (John 13:5-8) It is moments when we least feel like serving our spouse or our family that we need to look at Jesus’ example. The greatest love is when one lays down his life… (John 15:13)

Friday : Jesus takes the burden on himself without complaint. He is arrested and tried, then hung on a cross, but he does not blame or lash out at his accusers or followers who abandoned him. (Luke 23:34) The most difficult part of marriage can be allowing for failure. When I made the grievous error of hitting both our cars together Curtis did not yell or blame or shame me. He quietly worked two weekends in the garage and still managed to LIKE me.

Saturday : Jesus established a track record of keeping his promise. This was most assuredly the hardest day to be Jesus’ disciple. Jesus was in the tomb, the disciples were hiding out for fear they too would be arrested, it looked like that all their hopes of Jesus being Messiah were wrong. (John 19:42) If you are married long enough your spouse will disappoint you. There will be failures and shortfalls… it would be easy to think you made a mistake. But Jesus had made a commitment, a promise, and the disciples knew he was a man of his word. If you find yourself in a difficult season, reflect on the long history of good that has established the foundation. (Philippians 4:8) Continue working on being true to your word everyday with your spouse.

Sunday : He is Risen, He is Risen Indeed! His acts of obedience may have looked like weakness, but he was victorious and would spend the next 40 days helping the disciples recover and get back to their calling. (Mark 16:6)(Matthew 28:18-20) As the saying goes, when the going gets tough the tough get going! When you invest in building a relationship founded on Christ, drenched in the Holy Spirit and honoring God, then you and your spouse have found the keys to a forever romance, a lasting covenant, a Honeymoon Life!

Happy Honeymooning!

John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.