The Honeymoon Life Blog

Eternal Investments

Guy in jail cell holding the bars
Photo Credit: Pexels
Terri & Curtis Krupp
Terri Krupp

Eternal Investments

Have you ever heard someone say they are trying to consider the meaning of life? “Why am I here?” These questions have become a pursuit of self fulfillment and enlightenment. But could life be more purposeful and impactful than just the discovery of why we exist?

Jesus gives insight on God’s value system for what we invest our time and resources into. HIs disciples had asked Jesus about the timing of the return of His kingdom and His ascent to power. (See Matthew 24 and 25) They were looking for the fulfillment of His earthly restoration. (Much like we are in our prayers.) In response Jesus gives His disciples several parables to help them understand that the focus of our lives here on earth is to be preparing for eternity.

In the final parable of the series, Jesus gives an account of how God, the King, will judge what we have done with our lives that will show how we have followed him. The deeds that will go with us into eternity with Him. “When the Son of Man comes in His glory, then He will sit on His glorious throne.” (Matthew 25:31) He will separate us as sheep and goats according to our deeds. His accounting will not be based on the wars we have won, or how much money or status or credentials we have collected. The quality that will prove us to be true followers of Christ is how we took care of the people God put in our path. Our generosity and compassion to our fellow traveler. God will weigh what we did with our time and energy and resources that benefited others, especially those who were not able to provide for themselves. The “least of these” are the people in our lives who have a need, who are lost and need direction. When we meet a brother or sister in a difficult situation it is our opportunity to give them the water that they are thirsty for. To take them in to protect and provide for them until they are capable of moving on.

How do we do that, there are so many in need? How do we visit them in the hospital or in prison? Provide food and clean water? The need is so great! When we see someone in need, we respond. We cannot be everywhere, to everyone, but we can respond to all of those God has allowed in our path.

Take your first step today. Perhaps carry a few water bottles to give out. The family whose parents just lost their job, take them some groceries. Perhaps someone you know is in the hospital or in prison, go visit them. When we bring comfort to your fellow human being we are ministering unto God.

Happy Honeymooning!

“The king will answer and say to them, “Truly I say to you, to the extent you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to me.” (Matthew 25:40)