Don't neglect the Honeymoon in the everyday

Do not neglect the Honeymoon in the everyday! Having just returned from our annual grandchildren visit in Maui it is easy to feel reconnected. We are blessed to have so much family and community on the Island. But waiting for an extravagant destination to kindle romance is a huge mistake.
Finding the connection in the mundane and common is the Honeymoon Life foundation. It is nearly impossible to have an intimate and romantic getaway once a year if the other 358 days of the year the relationship is left to grow cold. It is like hitting the gym heavy for one week a year and expecting lasting results, that is not how strength is built.
Throughout the month of June I want to focus on finding the romance in the everyday. It’s in the holding hands on the drive to the grocery store. Sitting too close to each other while watching your favorite show. The snuggle that causes you to hit the snooze alarm. It is the design that God intended for your marriage!
When God set Adam in the garden he was introduced to every living creature and given authority to name them. (Thanks Adam for Hippopotamus and Platypus!) After meeting each possible partner God declared, “It is not good for man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” (Genesis 2:18)
Foundation #1 We are created to be a reflection of God and a complement to each other's weaknesses and shortcomings.
Genesis 1:27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
Happy Honeymooning!