The Honeymoon Life Blog

Happy Trails; it can be with adequate planning!

Terri & Curtis Krupp
Terri Krupp

You have probably heard it said “enjoy the journey.” While I completely agree with that statement, you need to set a course for a destination before you have a journey to begin. Curtis and I have been fortunate to have traveled extensively in the Air Force, then again with moving, and now we prioritize seeing this great world that God created.

One thing I have witnessed about marriage: it flows very much like a road trip. First you need to choose what and where you hope to go. Like what faith will you follow as a family, will someone stay home with kids or perhaps you plan not to have children. These discussions are most valuable if they happen prior to the wedding or at least before the event happens.

Next you must decide on what activities and experiences you want to have in order to prepare adequately. This can be in general, for example, if you were heading to the great outdoors you would dress in rugged shoes and bring bug spray. If you were planning a night at the Opera, you would dress elegantly. Likewise in marriage, who will primarily care for the laundry or shopping. Who is better at caring for the lawn, don’t just assume one person is in charge, assign tasks and switch roles as needed.

Another line item to consider is the budget. Early in our marriage we opted for a single income to allow me to stay home with the children. People would make comments like, “you are so lucky your husband lets you stay home with the kids.” Luck had nothing to do with it! We did not have paid tv, or the latest gadgets and all of our children wore hammy downs, even the oldest. There is no luck in getting where you desire to go.

As life progresses there will be seasons of adjustments. When Curtis got extremely busy at work and school, I took over handling the budget and paying the bills (no autopay back then). He is much better at managing this task, but for a season, I stepped up to help.

We need to plan our marriages with the same amount of effort as the wedding ceremony or the honeymoon, then as couples will experience many happy trails!

Happy Honeymooning!

Ecclesiastes 4:9 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor.