Reality Love Songs - Part 3: Harmony/Tempo

Harmony/Tempo: In order for your marriage to be a masterful work of music you must play in the same key and timing. No matter how good each of the players are, unity, harmony and walking in step is required.
From my days in Air Force formation the cadenance was set by the flight commander. Every airman was expected to disregard their own pace and” fall in” to the larger rhythm of the unit. A squadron marching toward the enemy in perfect timing is a terrifying sight. Just the impact of every footstep landing in tempo causes heads to turn and hearts to speed up. An advancing force is dependent on each member's commitment to keep time.
There is another image that comes to mind. What if siamese twins argued constantly? How horrible would that be? As a married couple you are one flesh. It is impossible to each move at individual paces and not stumble. But who’s tempo do we move to? Who decides the key we play in? GOD! God wrote the music through his word, Jesus modeled the perfect performance of God’s will and love, and the Holy Spirit is the conductor.
How can we be sure that we are operating in God’s timing, under the watchful leading of the conductor? Peace and unity are fruits of our alignment. The ability to move through tough subjects like finances, raising children, and extended family is a really accurate gauge of our submission to being one flesh.
Happy Honeymooning!
Genesis 2:24 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.