Hungry and Thirsty and Naked… How will God judge my works

Photo Credit: The Bucket Ministry

Making Eternal investments should be a priority in every Christian’s life. Last week I breached this topic but I wanted to do a deeper dive into what these actions might look like for us today.
In Matthew 25:31-46 Jesus describes final judgment. While we are saved by grace, and no work we do can add to the value of that, we are obligated to pursue the Father’s heart while here on Earth. “But are you willing to recognize, you foolish fellow, that faith without works is useless?” (James 2:20)
So how do we meet the burden of a world that has such great needs? WHAT I CAN! It’s that simple. Let us stop using the excuse that there is just too much to be done and start doing it. With the approaching holiday season we often feel a greater nudge to be generous, that is gratitude in action. Let’s lay out what a generous day might include.
Hungry: Food banks are in desperate need by this time of year or volunteer at a soup kitchen. So if you don’t personally know someone in need you can still feed others.
Thirsty: Carry water bottles in your car so they are on hand when you see someone who might benefit from clean fresh water. Also there are organizations that bring fresh water to those around the world who do not otherwise have access. Our favorite The Bucket Ministry
( ) for a mere $50 you can ensure a family has access to clean water for life, plus necessary medications to clear up the issues that came from drinking the tainted water. They also receive the Gospel in a close and personal way. (We love the Bucket Ministry)
Naked: Donate the clothes you don’t wear or organize a clothes swap within your friend group, everyone gets a new look for this holiday season without spending a penny. (How about an ugly Christmas sweater exchange!)
Stranger: Sit next to the new person in church or in the breakroom who is sitting alone. Attempt to start a conversation.
Sick: Take meals to the family, send cards of encouragement, or visit if it is an option. (When my friend who lived 30 minutes away without traffic was dying of cancer I would send DoorDash funds to them. Easy and they used when their need arose, no fridge space needed.)
In Prison: there is a great organization who supports the children of inmates, and gives that parent credit and an opportunity to interact in the gift exchange. Prison Fellowship Angel Tree, your church may participate, if not
Happy Honeymooning!
“But are you willing to recognize, you foolish fellow, that faith without works is useless?” (James 2:20)