The Honeymoon Life Blog

I love my body just the way it is?

Woman in nude colored swimsuit holding a boquet of flowers
Photo Credit: Pexels
Terri & Curtis Krupp
Terri Krupp

“I love my body just the way it is!” That was the affirmation in my mindset journal today. It caused me to pause and reflect, can I truly say I love my body “just” the way it is?

At the time of this writing I am nearly forty pounds over ideal weight. Approximately twenty of those pounds came on in the past two years of enduring the pressure and stress of our franchises. I am working very diligently to correct the habits that brought me to this condition.

But is that what makes up my body? Is what the numbers on the scale and the way I look in the mirror ALL I have to my body? From the Psalms I know I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am no accident. From biology I know that many amazing systems make up the total functionality of my body. The eye alone has lenses, sensors and receptors to give me the sight to write this blog. The ability of my body to heal and flush out toxins just by giving it rest and fresh water, no doctor in the world can do more for my well being. The incredible super computer that is my brain that cannot begin to be replicated by Apple. The whole of my body is so fantastic that it is impossible to comprehend.

I love my body “just” as it is! It’s an amazing act of creation, in the image of my creator! I am doing some redecorating of it, getting healthy and fit, but just as a couch does not make up my home, my body is more than what I see in the mirror.

Happy Honeymooning!

Psalm 139:14 “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well!”