The Honeymoon Life Blog

No Room in the Inn: Part 2

Mary & Joseph walking in the desert

Photo Credit: Chat GPT

Terri & Curtis Krupp
Terri Krupp

If you were a Jew from the line of David you would have been taught your entire life that the Messiah would come through one of your family. The boys would have seen this as a return to greatness for the Kingdom of Israel, a strong nation status. But if you were a young lady in the lineage of David the possibility of being the mother of the Messiah was a reality.

Israel had waited for almost 700 years from the prophecy of Isaiah to the announcement of Jesus' birth by the angel Gabriel. While it may have seemed like a forgotten promise, God always causes His Word to come to pass.

The event takes place during the reign of an evil and jealous ruler Herod, who saw the Jews as a threat. (He was part Jew as it turns out.) During his rule the Jewish community hated him and suffered under his leadership. Jesus was born into an unstable political environment.

A census was called so everyone needed to report to the city of their ancestors, Mary and Joseph being of the line of David, went to Bethlehem. Think about this, everyone there was of the line of David, all of them would have been taught the prophecy of Isaiah. They knew it was coming, but they were not paying attention or looking for the fulfillment.

Mary and Joseph, the wards of the Messiah, when they arrived in Bethlehem were not greeted with great fanfare, there was not even a room for Mary to give birth. No room in the Inn. They were low on the social ladder and had not accumulated enough reward points apparently. So Jesus is born in a barn. Not the arrival that Jews had been hoping for. Not the triumphant King they were expecting.

Jesus was born to an unwed mother and a simple carpenter. They were however obedient and devout in their commitment to Yahuwah and His calling. Jesus was raised knowing want and need physically and financially; Mary and Joseph were ideal parents for Immanuel not because of the comfortable life they could afford Him, but for the obedience they modeled to the God of Heaven.

On earth Jesus did not use His divine power and influence to change His families societal status or to lift Israel out from under the rule of an evil empire. Jesus had a much bigger assignment, the salvation of us all!

Happy Honeymooning! Merry Christmas!

“The angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name Him Jesus.””(Luke 1:30-31)