The Honeymoon Life Blog

National Pi Day, the irrational truth

Orange pie garnished with orange slices with a slice taken out and on another plate
Photo Credit: Pexels
Terri & Curtis Krupp
Terri Krupp

National Pi Day, Love it? Hate it? It’s here to stay. As a student of mathematics, and former math teacher, I have a great appreciation for Pi (π), the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. Or how far around it is divided by how fat it is. While Pi has been a “constant” in my academic experience, I have spoken to several people, mostly women who say that Pi, math, was a stumbling block to achieving their dream career.

It is heartbreaking to me that a person must give up their dream future because a few courses are too complicated to understand. I know that there are people to whom math is not so easy, and others seem to think in numbers, but if a person truly desires to be a nurse, a pharmacist or a veterinarian failing college algebra is a very poor measure of their fitness.

When I dive deep with those who have shared these experiences with me I have noted a common theme to their stories. “It started in fourth grade when my math teacher said I was no good at it.” “I was good at math until they started putting letters in it.”

I would love to be there to encourage anyone who truly desires to follow their dreams to ignore the naysayers, put away the history that you think you know about your talents and gifts and forge ahead. If the first attempt at a class doesn’t work, take it from another instructor. Ask questions, get a tutor and watch tutorials online. In today’s information rich technology there are many forms of learning, find the one that fits your learning and go for it.

If you are already past your college years look at the great things that have come into your life because of the path you took. Remember, Pi is an irrational number, non repeating, and you are a one of a kind creation that should be celebrated as well. You are not done yet! Keep living your strengths.

Happy Honeymooning!

Philippians 1:6 “For I am confident of this very thing, that he who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.”