The Honeymoon Life Blog

Leap Day!

Digital illustration of a reset button
Photo Credit: PsyKidd
Terri & Curtis Krupp
Terri Krupp

Leap Day! What a great concept! The full yearly rotation of the earth is approximately 365.25 days. If the quarter of the day is ignored long term our calendar seasons would be thrown out of whack. Our lives and mindsets are much like the calendar. Despite incremental warnings and nudging from our internal calendars we often fail to make adjustments to realign our minds, bodies and hearts.

Not long ago I owned a franchise lawn maintenance company. I really enjoyed the work and the people but the stress it was putting on me mentally and physically was becoming undeniable. I was gaining weight, had trouble sleeping, I talked at warp speed sometimes neglecting to complete one thought before starting another. Curtis and I would spend late nights working on equipment and long weekends catching up on services, all while he worked his full time job. All the signs were there; I was slowly trading my health for the success of my business. After much prayer and distress I decided to put the business on the market. Within a year it sold and I began the slow process of de-stressing my life and getting my health back.

Through the process of learning how to adjust my habits and become much better balanced I noticed that I was in much worse condition than I even realized. I started to notice that my heart raced occasionally and I had some symptoms of high blood pressure. The weight gain was just the tip of the iceberg. It was not until I slowed down and hit reset that I was able to see and hear all that was happening right inside my own body and mind.

Perhaps like me you need to slow down and take a leap day. Perhaps a month just dedicated to resetting habits and hopes and relationships. Just like a calendar, even a slight deviation over a long enough time we can end up way off course.

Our marriages likewise need and deserve a reset. In this month of love, perhaps use leap day as the excuse, take some time to recalibrate and get back on track with your spouse. For Curtis and I, learning to relax and settle back into a more balanced life has not been automatic, but just by being intentional about it we are starting to see progress.

Happy Honeymooning!

Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and prove what God’s will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will.