Sword of the Spirit - the word of God

Sword of the Spirit which is the word of God, is the only piece of spiritual armor that is to be used offensively. The rest of the armor is for security and safety. (see Ephesians 6:10-17) So as a Christian if we have only one weapon we can wield, we better be very skilled in using it.
Paul writes to his young protégé Timothy that all scripture is inspired by God, profitable for teaching , reproof, correction and training in righteousness. We can rest assured that God’s word has been watched over with care and attention.
Inspired by God. While there have been many authors, translations, committees and religious interests, God has kept His word pure and accurate. If we serve a loving Father, he would not allow us to have misinformation and be misguided by the very documents that he has given us to follow Him. I think of it this way. I, as a flawed mother, would never send my child on an errand to the store, without an accurate list and the proper amount of money to pay. I could not hold them accountable if they could not complete their assignment, that would be cruel. So if I as a human parent would not set my child up for failure how much more does God, as a perfect Father, carefully watch over His instruction manual, the Holy Bible.
Producible for teaching, reproof, correction and training in righteousness. The word profit means we will gain something from our time in the word. We will gain knowledge, an ethical model to live by, how to make adjustments when we make mistakes, and how to respond when others make errors against us. If we spend time in God’s word the questions and dilemmas around us are a little less foggy and confusing. Having our minds and hearts firm in the Word gives the assaults of the world around us less sting.
So protect yourself today by committing to study and memorize God’s word. You could start with this verse:
“All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.“ 2 Timothy 3 :16-17
Happy Honeymooning!