The Honeymoon Life Blog

Test Drive: Part One

Terri & Curtis at South Daytona Beach - "Crabbie Joes"

Photo Credit: Terri Krupp

Terri & Curtis Krupp
Terri Krupp

Over the Christmas to New Year holiday Curtis and I traveled 2678 miles round trip. We called it our “Test Drive.” It is the first of what we hope becomes a lifestyle in the next few years. We visited cities like; Kinder, Louisiana, Navarre, Daytona Beach, Punta Gorda, St. James City, all in Florida and Biloxi, Mississippi. The attractions were family and friends and fun.

We had planned to leave in the afternoon on Christmas Day. As of 2:44 pm on December 24th we were still uncertain whether we could make the trip. Our business had end of year deadlines that needed to be accomplished before December 31st. Since most of it was dependent on financial institutions, Christmas Eve was essentially the last business day of the year. At 2:45 pm we received the confirmation and final piece of documentation that would allow us to take the trip, so we decided we would go.

But it was still complicated. Our second daughter was born on Christmas Day so we had planned a nice gathering with friends for Christmas Eve to celebrate her birthday. I had already done much of the food prep, but there was no time to prepare for our trip that evening.

Christmas morning we got up and opened presents with our three children who live in Texas who had spent the night. Curtis made breakfast and I started to pack. I had already made a plan of how we would manage so many stops and diverse weather. So I put the plan into motion.

I will explain in detail the trip over the next few blogs, but suffice it to say that in two hours we had packed and got on the road for a two week road trip. The finalization of the business matters were amazing, but the favor as we packed for the trip was a miracle, one that I had been specifically praying for. God is good!

Happy Honeymooning!

“So, I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Luke 11:9