The Honeymoon Life Blog

When it comes to family

Terri & Curtis Krupp
Terri Krupp

Summer often marks a time of family reunions and gatherings. Infact, the word honeymoon is derived from June moon or honey moon, a time when most weddings traditionally take place. But when it comes to family… even Jesus struggled.

Matthew 12:47-49 Records Jesus’ mother and brothers coming to him, probably to talk some sense into him, while he was ministering. He had conflict among his first followers even when there were only a dozen. (Luke 9:46) So if the perfect Son of Man struggled with human relationships, it should be expected we will as well.

Messy, complicated and difficult relationships do not give us license to slink into a hole and live a solitary life. Jesus modeled sacrificial love when he wept over Jerusalem. (Luke 19:41) Like many of the prophets, Jesus knew that the people he came to save with his life giving message and ultimate sacrifice would turn their backs on him.

How can I apply Jesus’ example of servant love? By staying in the battle.

Last year we had a family reunion at our family farm. People from all over the USA flew in, drove RVs or cars to attend. It was beautifully orchestrated and planned thanks to my niece Markie and daughter Victoria. But there was drama, and plenty of it. Some came in blow ups, some in passive aggressive moves, some refusing to be in the same company with another person… In the end however, people reconnected with family. We were reminded why we enjoy each other and just celebrated our common heritage. I reconnected with cousins I had not spoken to in decades, I even visited family in Florida who could not make the trip.

Was it stressful? Yes!

Was it worth it? DEFINITELY! Or to quote the commercial “priceless!”

Happy Honeymooning!

James 1:2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, when you encounter trials of many kinds.