The Honeymoon Life Blog

Women’s history month, the unsung heroines

Amelia Earhart holding on the propeller of a plane

Photo Credit:

Terri & Curtis Krupp
Terri Krupp

March is Women’s history month. Who does that bring to mind for you?

When I think of the women in history who have stood up and refused to be squelched because of gender or stereotypes it’s ladies like Madame Curie, Amelia Earhart, Rosa Parks, Mary the sister of Martha, and Anne Frank. These women remained strong and feminine while fighting the good fight.

I wrote a blog, “What will the future look like because I lived today?” It was inspired by a display in the Heinz museum of a young prairie girl tending to kitchen duties. On the table beside her was a book lying open. The sign talked about this being a very early example of a cookbook that her mother or aunt wrote. It revolutionized the kitchen when women started to catalog or journal how to make favorite dishes. The woman's name I cannot recall, but I use recipes very often and I am grateful to her.

Perhaps, the women who shaped you the most will never be publicly celebrated. There probably won’t be a day observed in their honor or a wing at a college named after them. It’s likely that the majority of women (and men) who do the heavy lifting of making the future a better place to live will remain obscure to the public.

If you have a strong woman who has influenced your life and is still alive, I challenge you to reach out to her in some way to tell her what a difference she made in your life. I am going to start with my mother!

Happy Honeymooning!

Psalm 139:13 “For you created my innermost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.”